Loan Pros formed when a group of mortgage professionals with a progressive and enterprising vision ventured into the field of loan consulting after observing borrowers paying excessive fees for mortgage loans. With over 7 years of servicing borrowers the partners of Loan Pros hit the Internet scene in July, 1999. Since July, the company has exceeded its growth projections and is effectively assisting borrowers across the nation in reducing mortgage fees.

The concept behind Loan Pros came about as a result of the non-conforming lending industry which became popular during the 1990's. Through non-conforming lenders, borrowers with less than perfect credit are able to obtain mortgage loans. The drawback to these loans is most lenders charge excessive fees and points as well as many "junk fees". Loan Pros works as a "negotiator" to lower or eliminate excessive fees without ever delaying the actual loan closing.  The best part of our plan is NO CUSTOMER pays one cent unless we save them money.

Loan Pros has kept an innovative vision and is launching several other products and services on the Internet in the year 2000 which should prove to be notably successful for those interested in marketing the service as an Independent Representative. The Company will be expanding its services to provide assistance with credit repair and guidance on how to obtain the best possible mortgage loan.

Lenders with a reputation of fair treatment to borrowers consider Loan Pros a welcome addition to the lending scene. Each month letters are received from lenders, accountants, and legal professionals who confirm that a service such as Loan Pros is long overdue in an industry which is getting out of hand with excessive fees and commercial advertisements luring borrowers to refinance. Loan Pros was founded on the assumption that an easier, less costly and less stressful method should exist for borrowers to obtain mortgage loans.

In addition to its services to borrowers, Loan Pros provides individuals with an excellent business opportunity.   Unlike many business opportunities offering products or services which can be found elsewhere Loan Pros has a "one of a kind" service which individuals can successfully market on a local level or via the Internet.

Loan Pros is a South Carolina Company managed by professionals dedicated to helping borrowers save money while simultaneously allowing individuals worldwide the ability to work from the comfort of their homes.   Loan Pros has more than 3,000 Independent Representatives worldwide with the number increasing each day.

550 Clifton Road
Sumter, SC 29153-8713
Toll Free 1-888-560-3532, Dept. LP584

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